Frequently asked questions

FAQ Topics


You can sign up at Additionally, you can look for coupons in your local newspapers and retailer's advertisements for offers that may be available throughout the year. Currently, Georgia-Pacific does not offer any discount coupons or free samples for our products via mail.

Not at this time, however, you can save our coupons for later printing using the GCN Grocery Coupon Network app.

There is two-time print maximum per coupon.



Dixie Products

Dixie Plates and Bowls

Dixie Cups



Buying & Selling

To qualify as a wholesaler or distributor of Georgia-Pacific® products, you will need to regularly purchase multiple full trucks of our products at least once a month. If you meet this criteria, you can submit a request via our  Contact Us page.

You can find a list of online and local retailers on our  Store Locator page.



Sign Up and Start Saving.

Enter your email address below to receive an email with a link to a welcome coupon (new subscribers only). Plus you'll receive info on new products, special offers and more from our family of brands.




Enter your email address below to receive an email with a link to a welcome coupon (new subscribers only). Plus you'll receive info on new products, special offers and more from our family of brands.